Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Blog Awakens

There's been an awakening...have you felt it?

No, I'm not talking about Star Wars. I mean, at some point we'll probably talk about Star Wars because Star Wars is awesome. But that time is not now. What I'm really talking about is this new blog! It's pretty cool and if you're reading this then you're pretty cool too. I'm glad you've come along for the ride. This is something I've wanted to start doing for quite some time so lets get started!

You might be wondering what this blog is all about. Let me help you with that (if you haven't already guessed it from the name of the blog):
  1. My name is Preston and I'm 24 years old.
  2. I currently live in Texas.
  3. I am what you would call... A sports fanatic.
  4. My love for sports stems from growing up in Southern California and going to Angels (MLB) and Ducks (NHL) games as a kid.
  5. My passion for sports continuously fuels me with HOT TAKES on various stories.
  6. I need a platform for these HOT TAKES so this blog seems like the perfect option.
  7. While this blog will feature a lot of Angels and Ducks posts, it'll also include plenty of posts about other teams and sports. It may occasionally feature a post about something entirely different (Star Wars?) but not often.
So there you have it. This should be a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to writing some more!

Thanks again for reading and if you've made it this far go ahead and pat yourself on the back!

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